Friday, May 14, 2010

The Pot Tourism of the Future

The Pot Tourism of the Future?

One of the few reasons I like Cali and trust the list is short for this NY'er!

With a measure to legalize marijuana for recreational, not just "medical" use on the November ballot, California growers are pondering the future of "pot tourism" and the possibility that we'll one day travel to taste different strains of weed the way we taste wine.

Via Blackbook
Stoners already travel to Humboldt County to explore its offerings, but with legalization potentially on the horizon, the Humboldt County Convention and Visitors Bureau is considering officially reaching out to the “green” tourist. Tony Smither, executive director of the bureau says “My approach is to have that marketing plan in the bottom drawer of my desk and not show it to anybody until we see what’s going to happen and which way the wind is blowing.”

In recent polls, 56% of Californians were in favor of taxing and regulating the plant, but the national approval rate is much lower and Obama’s drug czar has hinted that the feds might not respond favorably to legalization in the golden state. Bummer.

Smithers has heard proposals that Humboldt should become the “Napa Valley of Marijuana,” but it might not be so simple. Growers would need to consider if the Napa model would really work for them, and they’d need to put some major infrastructure in place to make a Humboldt County with above-board weed tasting rooms and tours a reality, and not just a stoner’s fantasy.

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